Journal Entry for Wednesday, August 2, 2000
    Tallahassee Team Offers VBS at the Keys

   This was the most seafaring team we've hosted. They were out on the water Saturday for fun, they accompanied Jill and me to the Keys for church on Sunday and then were scheduled for Vacation Bible School at the Keys Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Plus, this team definitely gets an "A" for flexibility...
    Monday went as scheduled, though we had to change boats halfway to the Keys.
    Tuesday the team's small boat turned back in rough seas.
    Wednesday found them out on the waters again, this time in a bigger boat.
    Thursday (a make-up day for Tuesday) our original arrangements fell through and, not feeling too comfortable
        with the "Plan B" boat, we canceled. Sigh. The number one rule of mission teams? Be flexible!

Loading "the bus" for VBS "All aboard!" for Vacation Bible School at the Keys.

Jeremy, David, Terra and Charlotte are ready to get underway. All aboard!

Transfer Also on board was a class of dive students. Unfortunately we were radioed that three divers were left behind. They arrived on this smaller boat which we then got into for the rest of the trip to the Keys.

We've arrived! Suzanne's toucan friend (which the kids named Froot Loop) tells a Bible story. Froot Loop and Suzanne lead assembly

"Bubbles" Irwin "Bubbles" Irwin helps out with recreation.

Terra and Rhonda help the kids put together their own toucans during craft time. Rhonda helps kids craft their own toucans

Proud toucan owners The proud bird owners.

The parable of the lost sheep was the focus on the second day. Quite an assembly line. Sheep production line

Sheepish (?) kids Sheep under construction.

Sam holds up her end of things during recreation. Jumping Rope

Waving goodbye The team got a sweet send off from the Bible school kids at the dock each day.

Jill and I were at the Keys August 6 for their Harvest celebration. Heartfelt appreciation was expressed for this team's work and the several others that worked and / or visited the Keys this year.
