Journal Entry for Friday, August 4, 2000
    Tallahassee Team Leaves Utila

Jairo, Sam and luggage Out on the airport Friday morning for the 6:00 flight. Team member Samantha is in the foreground; team friend Jairo stands behind her. This team was so good to take back three shipping containers and two suitcases for Jill and me. Thanks, team!

Jack, John and David await the SOSA plane as the sun rises behind them. Jack, John and David

John and Ashley At the team's farewell the night before we voted Ashley "most likely to board the plane first" since she missed home so much. She wasn't first but didn't waste any time climbing aboard!

And our last team rides off into the sunrise, bound for La Ceiba, San Pedro Sula, Miami and finally, Tallahassee. Taking off for Florida
