Journal Entry for Sunday, August 15, 1999
    Harvest at the Keys

    Today was Harvest at the chapel at the keys.  It was similar to last Monday night's Harvest Report at Mizpah Methodist on Utila.  The chapel was full (70 people, I'd guess) and lots of special music by people from the Methodist Church and also the Church of God and the Baptist Church.  This year 15,000 Lempiras (U.S. $1,000) was raised. This was up significantly over last year's 11,000 Lempiras.

Harvest A nice array of fruit decorated the chancel area.

The church was disappointed that they couldn't come by any hog plums this year.  (I think they would have been suspended from the wire overhead, as had been done at Mizpah.) Harvest

Harvest I've seen a few different varieties of bananas around.  Note the difference in size between the ones on the left and those on the right.

After Harvest I was a guest at the Lone Star Inn Hotel on the eastern edge of Upper Cay.  The electricity goes off at 10:00p.m. but the solar collectors atop this four unit hotel charge batteries to provide power for lights and fans throughout the night.  It was not too uncomfortable.  (Incidentally, my room did not have a TV.)  I was treated to a beautiful day break.  (See the next page.) Harvest
