Journal Entry for Saturday, August 7, 1999
    Around Town

    There are the whole range of buildings in town, from ramshackle to very nice.  I took a picture of a few so you could get a feel for what the town looks like.

Town "Captain Morgan's," a local dive shop. Hotel rooms are above. Bancahsa is one of two banks on the island.

The island movie theater. A pretty wide range of films are shown; I have yet to be inside. (The nights I have free seem to feature Chucky movies or other things I don't care to see.) Everytime I've checked all the films have been American. Movie Theater

Town Houses vary from "well kept" to "in need of repair" (this one could use some paint, at the very least) to "ready to be torn down."

New construction is prevalent. Most is more modest than this effort though there are larger projects underway as well. New Construction

Tourism Rules Tourism rules. One of many dive shops on the island.

This will no doubt be torn down and something nice put in it's place. There are a few buildings like this, even in town. Old House
