Journal Entry for Wednesday, July 21, 1999
    Wesley Team Replaces UMCC Fence

Original plans for this project were to place a fence on the property line to the left of the Utila Methodist Community College.  At the time of the survey the property owner on that side said she intended to build a fence on her side of the line. The Wesley crew chose instead to replace a deteriorating fence along the road.
Bicycle Rack One of the rules for a successful mission trip: Be Flexible!  Lumber for the fence was late in arriving so the fence crew borrowed enough from the restroom crew to build two bicycle racks, one of which is pictured here.  It really works!  (That's my bicycle parked there.)

The existing fence and all the vegetation that had grown up through it is removed and post holes dug.  That's the Reverend Marty Vershel leaning against, I mean, using that posthole digger at right.

The old fence comes down

Dana Timaeus Dana Timaeus was stranded on Utila during Hurricane Mitch while on a diving trip.  He served as the team's keymaster, runner, waterboy, travel agent, and what have you on this trip.

Dan the Man handling the circular saw.  Dave Feurtado, a member of the church, was a big help.  He and wife Caroline also housed two of the team members. Fence Project

Master carpenter Tal Making good progress.  The lumber yard man ran out of 1x8's.  I saw team members cutting up 1x8 siding near the end of the project.  (I hope they didn't pull it off someone's house!)  "Be flexible..."

The finished product looks simply fantastic!  Well done, fence crew.

Fence Project
