Journal Entry for Tuesday, July 13, 1999
    SCUBA and Snorkeling Adventure

Teams take time to do some of the touristy things that Utila offers.  The Broadmoor team took a half day to go SCUBA diving and snorkeling.  They invited me to go along and since Tuesday's my day off, I went!  This was my first time going around the entire island.  "A three hour tour...  A three hour tour..."
Snorkeler Jeff Where are my fins?  I'm ready to go!

We anchored in Turtle Harbor on the opposite side of the island.  These are three of our snorkelers.  SCUBA divers headed in the opposite direction.  All were treated to some beautiful underwater scenery.

Snorkelers in the water

Heading home Heading home after a good morning out.

That evening the Broadmoor team invited me to go along with them for supper at Laguna Beach Resort. It's on the other side of a lagoon from town; we took a boat.  The sky was beautiful as we prepared to board.  (You can see the Methodist Church steeple on the shore.)

Beautiful sky

Beautiful sky Looking further down the shore...
