Journal Entry for Monday, June 21, 1999
    The Children's Parade

Photos from the Children's Parade held in honor of the anniversary of the Methodist Sunday School.  All children on the island were invited to participate.  They had a great time!  
Lining up Okay, lets line 'em up.  Boys to the left, girls to the right, Honduran flag out front.

In order by size...  The littlest kids bring up the rear.  The balloons were very popular and added to the festive spirit. ...and they're off

A jubilant bunch still, on the way back When they got to one end of town they turned around and marched back.  Some got just a bit ahead.

A few of the marchers insisted on a time-out to get their picture taken. A few of the children

After the parade, punch The parade is over and it's refreshment time. Fruit punch and...

Homemade cupcakes.  Mmm... Yes, Reverend Bennett had one too. ...and cupcakes, too!
