Journal Entry for Friday, July 7, 2000
    Indiana Team Works on Teachers Residence (page 1 of 2)

Brian and Jim C. move plywood Much of our large order of lumber was delivered to the schoolyard. Brian and Jim move plywood to the school library to protect it from rain and theft.

The municipality lent us their cement mixer at no cost. It was the right tool for the job.

We did discover that no gravel had been delivered to us; all of the burlap bags contained sand only. It was quite a scramble to come up with enough gravel but God is good and sufficient gravel was found.
Jim and Jim at the mixer

Brian spreads concrete Brian moves around concrete in the form for the utility room pad.

Jim and Larry add another load of concrete to the foundation.  Jim N. and Larry man the wheelbarrow

Rod feeds the mixer Rod adds more sand to the mix.

Twenty 20' PVC pipes were delivered. From these will be made the posts that support the apartments. PVC pipes await cutting

Joy, holed up on Utila Joy digs a large hole for the four center columns. (Tracey's working on her own in the background.)

Rod's on the level as he marks the PVC pipes for trimming to height. Rod checks that all is level

Jim N. fills in around the PVC Jim fills in around the posts with dirt.
