Journal Entry for Friday, June 30, 2000
    Se'lah Begins Construction of UMCC Teachers Residence

    Se'lah is doing some of prep work on the Teachers Residence for the Indiana team that follows them directly. We're excited that this major project at the Utila Methodist Community College is underway!

Keith, Bryan, Eric, Chuck and Rick Keith, Bryan, Eric, Chuck and Rick are ready to break ground for the utility room foundation.

The lines are staked out and Eric's rarin' to go! (The UMCC classroom building is in the background.) Eric mans the shovel

Rick checks the plans It always pays to double check the plans.

Kim is into digging the post holes, big time.  Cement filled PVC pipes will be placed here, upon which the majority of the structure will be built. Kim with the post hole digger

Bryan at the shovel Bryan's pretty handy with the shovel.

Rick nails together boards to make the form for the utility room foundation. Rick nails together the form

The form is put in place The form is put into place.

In the U.S. you can by welded iron mesh to reinforce concrete. Here we make our own, which Glenda proudly displays. We're ready for "the pour."  The next team arrives Sunday... Glenda checks the wire mesh
