Journal Entry for Thursday, November 25, 1999
    Thanksgiving Day at the Mission House

    Thanksgiving is not a national holiday in Honduras. Some celebrate it as a religious holiday. The youth from Mizpah Methodist went to visit shut-ins at 2:00p.m.  Jill and I did up the holiday American style, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and eating turkey with all the trimmings. 

Turkey roasted to perfection in the new range Truly a thing of beauty, our 11 lb. turkey roasted to perfection in the new Mission House oven. This bird was imported from the states. Expensive but well worth it!

We invited Gunter Kordovsky and his girls Myra (age 6) and Eva (age 8) to join us for the feast.

A feast shared with our friends, the Kordovskys
