Journal Entry for Wednesday, July 14, 1999
    Broadmoor Team Hosts VBS

The Baton Rouge team wanted to have plenty of contact with Utilians so they chose to put on a Vacation Bible School, Monday through Wednesday, 4:00p.m.  They had about 60 kids the first day.

VBS preparations Three youth members of the team, Mary, Allyson and Yasmin prepare for Vacation Bible School.

It's only Monday morning as preparations continue.  Little did any of us know how many children would attend beyond the anticipated 50...

VBS preparation

VBS t-shirt making T-shirt stenciling was very popular.  The team scrambled to find enough white shirts for every child as the crowd grew each day.

Having yourself drawn was another activity that drew a lot of kids. VBS

VBS After you were traced you got to fill in who you are.

Harris is one of my Sunday School kids.  Looks like he's a promising "fisher of men."


VBS Kids loved the bubbles.  (We had an open air service the following Sunday.  I noticed a few bubbles floating around!)

Word got out and by Wednesday the count was 110!  (That's more kids than could fit in this photo.)  Our happy Broadmoor team stands on the stage in the background. VBS

Think this is something you'd like to do?  If your church hasn't had it's Vacation Bible School, why not volunteer?  You don't have to come all the way to Honduras to bless the lives of children with the good news of Jesus.  (Already had your VBS?  I'll bet your Sunday School could use volunteers to sub for vacationing teachers!)
