Journal Entry for Sunday, July 11, 1999
    My Impressions of the Church

A Church in Decline?

    Mizpah Methodist Church (the church on Utila) is the oldest church on Utila, established in the 1850's or 60's. I would describe it now as a church in decline. The sanctuary is a fairly large space, seating perhaps 300 on the main floor and another 30 in the balcony. The structure appears to be in good repair.  In years past the sanctuary was enlarged a couple of times to accommodate growing attendance. In my weeks thus far I have yet to see more than 50 attend a regular worship service.


    The church uses the 1933 British Methodist Hymnal primarily. The youth group (Christian Endeavor) sings much the same songs as the youth group at Saint Paul's - Tallahassee. At some functions people will sing more contemporary songs that don't appear in the mimeographed youth song book or the 1933 hymnal; songs like "He Touched Me" (Gaither, 1963).

    The singing is loud and melody only. (The hymnals have lyrics only, no score.) Marilee is the only piano player in the church; she plays mostly by ear, I'm told. She was in La Ceiba today so we sang without accompaniment.

The Mood of the Congregation

    I sense discouragement on the part of many of the long-timers I have spoken with. They lament the changing culture. By this they mean two things. First, the diminishing number of English speaking "islanders" and increasing number of "Spanish" (that is, people from mainland Honduras). One woman whom I highly respect says there are probably more Spanish and Europeans here now than islanders. Many islanders move to the US; others are employed in the merchant marine industry or on offshore oil rigs in the Gulf and are rarely home. The second culture change is the more general "people are just too busy" for church. (Does this sound familiar?) I have been introduced to several formerly active members who volunteer, "I used to go to the Methodist church but I'm just so busy these days."

    There is also a good deal of nostalgia about the past. I perceive a tendency of people to think, "If only we did what we do better, people would come." Work harder at what no longer works, maybe. I think it will be a challenge for us to embrace anything new that God might be wanting to do among us. I personally am not discouraged. You might pray along with us here that the Lord will lead the people called Methodists along with other Christians in being the church on Utila.

The Chapel on the Key

    I've limited my comments on Mizpah Methodist Church here on Utila. I've spent so little time at the chapel on the key that I don't have much sense yet of the challenges there.
