Journal Entry for Friday, May 26, 2000
    A Visit to Antigua, Guatemala

The gardens of Hotel Sol-Mor Our hotel, Hotel Sol-Mor, had a beautiful courtyard.

We never learned this permanent resident's name but he speaks Spanish (or so we thought) and enjoyed the pancakes (umm, panqueques, that is) as much as we did. One of the permanent residents of the hotel

Jill and Nina The hotel cat, Niña, befriended Jill and me.

The city is filled with cathedrals. Several have not been restored since the earthquakes that damaged them. Ruins

Jeff at the ruins That's me in front of this one.

Several of the churches are beautifully restored and maintained. We passed this one each day walking from the hotel. (It's just as beautiful on the inside.) One of many beautiful cathedrals

Burger King I love going to fast food places in other countries. This is a view of the Burger King menu from the second level seating area.

Antigua is in a valley surrounded by beautiful mountains. The Arch

Jill and Leslie One of the negatives... At times, street vendors hounded us relentlessly. Leslie was the worst! Guatemala is a bartering country. Leslie came down to 35 quetzales ($4.50) on the table runner but wanted 5 more quetzales to have her picture taken. (How much more would a smile have cost?)
