Journal Entry for Friday, May 19, 2000
    Skipwith UMC leads Vacation Bible School on Utila

Storyteller Steve Rev. Steve held the attention of each group of kids during story telling time.

Meanwhile other children worked diligently at making bead crosses. Team member Melissa helps here. Melissa and the beads

Kathy and the beads Kathy was in charge of the VBS part of the Skipworth UMC team's effort. Here she is helping with the bead project too.

Esther Hanners grew up on Utila (she was Esther Hill then) and returned with the team from her church. In addition to her volunteer work at the clinic she pitched in on VBS with the rest of the team. Esther and the beads

Joan deals out the snacks Joan doles out the M&M's for snack time. (I discovered that if you smiled nice and looked pathetic enough she'd give the volunteer pastor a few extras.)

Diana is the organist / pianist / director of music at Skipwith UMC. She played for the music portions of VBS and a few worship services too. Diana leads music in the sanctuary

Sports! Chuck kept each age group busy with games throughout the afternoon.

The kids got to make t-shirts. Again we had well over 100 participate in Vacation Bible School. T-shirts
