Journal Entry for Tuesday, February 15, 2000
    Gunter's Adventure Tour

    Gunter Kordovsky is an Austrian who has lived on Utila for 27 years.  He knows the island backwards and forwards. Jill and I had been wanting to go on one of Gunter's "adventure tours."  We set it up with Gunter and invited interested team members to come along.  It was "a three hour tour... a three hour tour..."  (We really did make it home in time for supper.)

Jill next to a huge Traveler Fig On the construction road from Rocky Point to the new airport we stopped to admire this huge traveler fig tree.

Close to the tree is the entrance to Byron's Cave.  Here I am, standing in the mouth of the cave. Jeff at the mouth of Byron's Cave

Ralph, down under Team member Ralph is down under.  His right calf is half submerged in water.  Lots of bats in this cave.

We bicycled on to the new airport under construction. A few weeks earlier the runway clearing crew broke into a subterranean chamber. (Makes me a little bit nervous about setting a plane down on the finished runway.) Here Gunter descends into the cave. Gunter descends into the cave at the new airport

Vindya dons Gunter's snorkel With a light you can get a feel for how deep and large the cavern is. Here Vindya (our newest volunteer UMCC teacher) dons Gunter's mask and snorkel to take a look.

The water is very clear.  To stick your head under and look into the abyss is breathtaking. The water is clear and deep
