Journal Entry for Sunday, January 9, 2000
    Prayer Request: Shut Down the Bars

    Jill and I have grown tired of the bar scene. We live next door to two of them, The Coco Loco and The Parrot Tranquila. Frankly, they're loud and keep us awake at night. Even when the power goes off at midnight we can hear the drunken tourists carrying on. There is no zoning on Utila so bars pop up everywhere.

    While these two bars have not had trouble with violence since we've been here, others have. We hear with some regularity about fights and stabbings. I'd like to see every bar not connected with a restaurant shut down. (I haven't heard anything bad coming from the restaurants.) A lot of the island youth hang out in the bars, another reason that they ought to go.

    Please pray that the bars of Utila be shut down. Nobody wants to lose the income these places generate but island life would be so much better. You can start by praying for The Coco Loco and The Parrot Tranquila to close.

The Coco Loco A photo of The Coco Loco, taken from the mission house dock. The water between us does a good job of carrying the sound, unfortunately.

The Parrot Tranquila lies just beyond The Coco Loco. The Parrot Tranquila
